The Sleep-Eye Connection: How Rest Impacts Your Vision

 In Fillmore Blog

How Sleep Affects Your Eyes

  • Dry and Irritated: Sleep deficit reduces tear production, leading to dry and irritated eyes.

  • Strained and Unfocused: Without enough sleep, your eyes struggle to focus and adjust, worsening eye strain, especially after screen time.

  • Increased Risk of Eye Issues: Sleep deprivation can result in bloodshot eyes, weakened immune systems, and even eye problems down the road

Tips for Healthy Sleep and Eyes

  • Sleep for Success: Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night with a consistent schedule and a relaxing bedtime routine

  • Power Down Before Bed: Avoid screens for at least an hour before bedtime to prevent blue light from disrupting sleep and worsening eye strain.

  • Create a Sleep Sanctuary: Ensure your bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet for optimal sleep.
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